Maulwurf and Gubbels in Wonderkamers at Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
The Gemeentemuseum in The Hague presents the new 'Wonderkamers', a compeltely renewed installation of the permanent collection, with a spectacular new version of the Miniature Museum. This museum-in-a-museum includes two small paintings and a sculpture by Klaas Gubbels and two iconical works on museumboard (a 'Black sea' and a 'Moving landscape') by Raquel Maulwurf. This 'Moving landscape' (9x11cm) is the smallest version of this series she ever made. The largest version is also in the collection of the Gemeentemuseum (153x264cm).
The Miniature Museum was founded by Ria and Lex Daniels in 1992 and consists of around 1500 miniature artworks by more than 750 artists, who have made an artwork especially for the museum. The museum has works by; Arman, César, Daniel Spoerri, Edward Kienholz, Christo, Gunther Förg, Sol LeWitt, Baselitz, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Mangold, Jenny Holzer, Annie Leibovitz, Sandro Chia, A.R. Penck, Andres Serrano, Karel Appel, Marlene Dumas and many more.
New acquisitions are from Donald Beachler, Erwin Olaf, Louise Bourgeois, Inez van Lamsweerde, Lawrence Weiner, Martin Parr, Panamarenko, John Chamberlain, Imi Knoebel, Damien Hirst and many more.