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Jan Wattjes in Buning Brongers exhibition at Museum Henriette Polak Zutphen


Works by Jan Wattjes are included in the exhibition of former Buning Brongers prize winners at Museum Henriette Polak in Zutphen. On view from 18... + Read more

Melle, Rees, Schrikker, Tieleman, Verwer, Wattjes at De Nederlandsche Bank


Works by Melle de Boer, Adriaan Rees, Simon Schrikker, Hugo Tieleman, Birgit Verwer and Jan Wattjes made for a calendar by Joanneke Meester will... + Read more

Conelia Schleime, works on paper in Saint-Etienne


The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Saint-Etienne presents Echofenster - oeuvres sur papier 1988-2014, a large scale exhibition... + Read more

Dier in het Vizier Part II, curated by Jeroen Dijkstra at NAIRAC Museum


Livingstone gallery owner Jeroen Dijkstra is asked to curate part II of the exhibition Dier in het Vizier, a group show with works on animals at... + Read more

Klaas Gubbels in Financieel Dagblad and De Groene Amsterdammer


Review of the exhibition Gubbels in Oranje at Paleis Soestdijk in Financieel Dagblad and a review of Gubbels' paintings by Rudi Fuchs in Groene... + Read more

Maulwurf and Schleime a.o. at Museum van Bommel van Dam


Works by Raquel Maulwurf and Cornelia Schleime from the Collection Knecht-Drenth are featured in the group show A Glorious Gift at the Museum van... + Read more

Ad Gerritsen at Het Dolhuys, Haarlem and Plaatsmaken. Arnhem


Works by Ad Gerritsen are included in the group exhibition Levenslang, het criminele brein ontleed at Het Dollhuys, the museum of the... + Read more

Hugo Tieleman wins Public Prize at Royal Award for Painting 2014


Hugo Tieleman is the winner of the public prize with his work Mining Site 1, 2014 at the exhibition of the nominees for the Royal Award for... + Read more

Jan Wattjes in Koornmarktspoort - Stedelijk Museum Kampen


Stedelijk Museum Kampen presents The Living Painter, a solo exhibition of Jan Wattjes at the Koornmarktspoort in Kampen. On view will be paintings... + Read more

Adriaan Rees in The Blue Revolution, Part 4, the gallery show in China


Works by Adriaan Rees are included in the group show The Blue Revolution, part 4 (the gallery show), currently on view at Cloud Space, a new... + Read more
